Civil Rights

Cañada Real: Europe’s Largest Shanty Town
Article by Alida Browne
In reality, the government's destruction of homes in an effort to halt drug trade in this area only addresses the problem in the short term. The drug trade is the product of systematic marginalisation of the poor; destroying these homes is only a short-term solution that doesn’t guarantee drug trade to stop whilst simultaneously destroying the homes of hundreds of families and children.

Devaluing Humanity in Counterterrorism: Xinjiang’s Re-education Camps
Article by Akeefah lal Mahomed
Terrorism, separatism and religious extremism infringe human rights to life and development. Paradoxically, China’s counterterrorism approach has systemised cultural cleansing, threatening human rights in different ways. The campaign for social re-engineering has morphed into one of cultural genocide.

Arrested for Being Human
Feature by Kaya Purchase
Sean Binder faces a potential twenty five years in prison. He was arrested for volunteering with an NGO in Lesbos, Greece, where he used his skills as a lifeguard to assist refugee boats in distress.