Civil Rights

Breaking Down the Poverty to Prison Pipeline
Article by Shabnam Ali
The systemic poverty, over-policing, and over-imprisonment of the BAME Youth and communities are key and significant indicators that institutional racism does continue to exist in UK infrastructure. The disproportionate level of BAME population vs prison population can be tied to roots of systemic poverty induced and ignored by governments, creating a Hunger Games-style competition within such low-income communities, sadly resorting to violence in a battle to compete, to ultimately escape the position our government placed them in.

Ireland’s Battle to End Direct Provision
Feature by Liam Robinson
Direct Provision (DP), the system used in Ireland to accommodate asylum seekers, fails to acknowledge the human rights of thousands. It was first introduced as an emergency measure to meet the basic needs of those waiting for their application for refugee status to be processed. But what was meant to be a temporary measure is now a for-profit industry.

Politicised Deportations are Morally Corrupt
Article by Kaya Purchase
The Home Office has publically defended the Jamaica 50 flight by declaring that all those on board were dangerous criminals who have committed serious offences. However, this is seriously, and I believe intentionally, over-simplifying a complex situation.

Queer Couples Are Being Priced Out of Pregnancy
Article by Laura Tendall
With excessive costs disproportionately impacting the queer community, many LGBTQ+ couples simply can’t afford to have a family. Those on lower incomes and from ethnic and racial minorities are especially affected.