
Why Did the Lights Go Out in Texas?
Article by Ethan Gray
At the turn of the century, Texas deregulated its electrical grid and privatized the market. Deregulation comes with benefits in most industries, typically around cost, as competitive markets fight to lower prices in the interest of acquiring more consumers. This holds true in Texas, where energy bills have been far lower than the national average. However, is deregulating an industry that consumers rely on as a fundamental utility in their lives a prudent decision?

The Napier Barracks have become a Symbol of Segregation
Feature by Kaya Purchase
The fact of a hunger strike is in itself proof that the issues inside Napier are intolerable. People do not put themselves through a hunger strike until they are pushed to the brink. The fact that hunger strikes are happening means that the sincerity of the claims against Napier do not need to be debated, they simply need to be addressed.

The Quest for Proportional Representation
Article by Damilola Omotoso
The problem with FPTP in its pluralistic form is that government can be (and more often than not is) elected when most of the populace has voted against them. This is the case for the vast majority of British governments as the National Government of 1931 was the last to gain more than 50% of the popular vote. Is this what democracy has come to mean in the 21st century?

Overcoming the ‘50 Shades of Grey Defence’
Article by Izzy Payne
Using this defence can result in a lighter punishment, shorter prison sentence, or even an acquittal. It has been increasingly used in the courts as a defence for sexual violence that ends in serious harm or murder, pinpointing the style of ‘consensual’ sex as the reason for the violence occurring, absolving the person who inflicted the violence from blame.

The Case for Reinvesting in Public R&D
Feature by Ethan Gray
To quote economist Marina Mazucatto, “In 2012, China announced its plan to produce 1,000 GWs of wind power by 2050. That would be approximately equal to replacing the entire existing US electric infrastructure with wind turbines. Are the United States and Europe still able to dream so big?” At the moment, anyone would be hard-pressed to argue they are.

Immigrating to the “Land of Law”
Feature by Safia Bolton
I feel concerned that the notion that immigrants cause all of England’s problems, and the deeply ingrained racism which is tied to this idea, is far from fading away, and it is being further cemented into policy.