
What Does GameStop vs. WallStreet Tell Us About Societal Change?
Article by Ethan Gray
It took regulators decades to enshrine laws that grappled with how industrialization changed their societies. Child labor rights, union rights, trust-busting, and rural electrification all helped account for the economic and societal shifts that resulted from new technologies. The pace of change is faster today, and it is happening at an exponential scale that has a global reach thanks to the internet.

The Case for Reinvesting in Public R&D
Feature by Ethan Gray
To quote economist Marina Mazucatto, “In 2012, China announced its plan to produce 1,000 GWs of wind power by 2050. That would be approximately equal to replacing the entire existing US electric infrastructure with wind turbines. Are the United States and Europe still able to dream so big?” At the moment, anyone would be hard-pressed to argue they are.