
The Myth of ‘British Values’
Article by Ben Dzialdowski
Britishness is hard to define. To many around the world, there are myriad interpretations of British culture and the values it embodies. With Boris Johnson saying “We are proud of our history and traditions” and calling to protect Britain’s culture, it begs the question: what are these supposed ‘core values’, and do they truly reflect Britain’s past and present?

Porn or Person? The Social Impact of OnlyFans
Feature by Izzy Payne
OnlyFans and platforms like it allow for more constructive and balanced forms of intimacy between the entertainer and the viewer. In addition, this formula for sex work improves the larger societal effects of watching pornography.

The Slow Death of Berlin’s Nonconformity
Feature by Alida Browne
Spaces for affordable and alternative ways of living, especially in major cities, are becoming few and far between, as housing becomes increasingly more expensive and unattainable. Spaces such as Liebig 34 are therefore crucial for the safety, security, and for a sense of belonging for the people who ‘don’t fit’ in heteronormative society.